Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Prize is in Him

It's all about ownership in this life...or so it seems. He who has the most toys wins. Or he who has the highest paying job. Or the most successful children. Actually, anyone could fill in the blank there. The most, the best, etc.
Life is difficult with that kind of competition going on. It can become like a year round sports event, with no down time! And the competition is ferocious! It is almost animalistic, in the sense of survival of the fittest!
This would be a good place to quote stereotypical statements like: 'That isn't really what life is all about.' Or: ‘There is something better for you!' But the fact is, life IS all about ownership! It IS all about claiming that which is ours! And it IS all about having the best!
The difficulty comes when we search in the wrong places.
You see, it is like this. The best for each of us has already been set aside for us. And it is incredible! What God has set aside for man is way above anything he could ever ask or think! But, alas, man does not often find it! He goes without the best because he has presupposed the definition of what “the best” may be.
God loves man, created man, and knows man’s every need and want! And this same God has given great Blessing and purpose to man. And He has stored them in Himself! And that is where man must go to find them! In God! He must search inside of God to find the riches of His grace and Glory!
If man goes deep inside of his God, he will find more than he has ever wanted...more than he has dreamed! When God is at the center of life, and man’s focus is upon Him, he begins to relate to things with Divine perspective. He learns that God is in all things, and all things work together for good to those that are in His Love.
Then he will experience true ownership! When man draws close to his God, and deepens his relationship to Him, he will take possession of things that no one can take away from him!
Jeremiah 9:24; 31:34; Romans 8:28; Isaiah 26:3

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