Monday, November 12, 2007


I have spoken to people who do not have a solid grasp upon who they are. What I mean is, they are not sure of their identity. We all have names. Some of us change our names. My father changed his name when he started his career in radio. He felt that he needed a more 'catchy' name if he were to be a DJ.

Our parents give us our names, many times after much deliberation. We can also attribute our personality, or at least part of it, to our parents. So the boy gets a little older, and people remark that he acts just like his dad. Or the girl carries herself like her mom. But, is that who they are? The boy that is like his dad? The girl that reminds us of her mom? No, they have their own identity. The question is, how do they discover it? Do they determine who they are by how others perceive them? Will they shorten their identity to 'loser' or 'winner', depending upon how their life plays out? What is the key here?

The word identity, which is from the Latin identitas, refers to 'same'. I think we are looking to find out who we are like, when we look for identity. That is why we form a small group of friends. That is why we are interested in others that have the same interests as us. We find some identity in that. We were made to find sameness with others, and yet still be individual.

In Genesis 1:26 we read that God made man in His own image and likeness. I like to use the analogy of the glove here. Image could refer to an empty glove. It looks like a hand. When you see it, you know it is designed to be filled with a hand. But, it is lifeless without a hand to fill it. Likeness refers to the glove with a hand in it. It becomes filled with the hand. Now, the glove not only looks like a hand, but it acts like one. Its identity is the hand!

I think that is how it is with us. We were created in the image of God. So if anyone asks you what God looks like, tell them that they are looking at what God looks like, (minus the glasses, broken nose, acne, etc.). When we allow God to fill us, we become the likeness of God. We become His Hand, if you will. Now we have identity. God now gives us purpose. He directs us, utilizes us, and takes care of us much like we would our own hand.

But, we must be filled. We must invite Him in. Then we live, by faith, in our true identity. In fullness and in purpose!

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