Friday, November 23, 2007

Life Is Short, But God Is On Time!

Number your days, the Bible says. Life comes at you fast, the commercial says. Is there enough time for us in life? I mean, will we be able to fit all our blessings in, and will there be time for us to get through our difficulties?

I was thinking of this recently. There are many individuals that struggle with victory in their lives. Maybe they know the right thing, but cannot seem to do the right thing. Maybe they are addicted to something that robs them of their joy and peace...and health. Is their life on a countdown timer, and when the time runs out, they lose? Is life like a contest, where the one with the most faith and obedience wins?

For the Christian, each moment of time contains God's beckoning call toward victory and righteousness. God has promised to never leave him or forsake him. At the end of the believer's days, he is escorted home to Jesus, where the wonders of eternal Life begin. No condemnation, no punishment, just victory!

There truly are results for ignoring the leading of God in our lives. They are the consequences for disobedience that make life difficult for us. How they work themselves out is different with each situation and person. But the wonderful thing is, God is working in our lives no matter what!

Paul discovered it and shared it with us in Romans 7 and 8, culminating in verse 31 of chapter 8. What shall we then say to these things?! If God be for us, who can be against us!

And He is for us!

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