Friday, November 23, 2007

Life Is Short, But God Is On Time!

Number your days, the Bible says. Life comes at you fast, the commercial says. Is there enough time for us in life? I mean, will we be able to fit all our blessings in, and will there be time for us to get through our difficulties?

I was thinking of this recently. There are many individuals that struggle with victory in their lives. Maybe they know the right thing, but cannot seem to do the right thing. Maybe they are addicted to something that robs them of their joy and peace...and health. Is their life on a countdown timer, and when the time runs out, they lose? Is life like a contest, where the one with the most faith and obedience wins?

For the Christian, each moment of time contains God's beckoning call toward victory and righteousness. God has promised to never leave him or forsake him. At the end of the believer's days, he is escorted home to Jesus, where the wonders of eternal Life begin. No condemnation, no punishment, just victory!

There truly are results for ignoring the leading of God in our lives. They are the consequences for disobedience that make life difficult for us. How they work themselves out is different with each situation and person. But the wonderful thing is, God is working in our lives no matter what!

Paul discovered it and shared it with us in Romans 7 and 8, culminating in verse 31 of chapter 8. What shall we then say to these things?! If God be for us, who can be against us!

And He is for us!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Today's Top Five Thanks To God

I thank Him for my life, for Abundant Life.

I thank Him for the Cross, where I was purchased.

I thank Him for complete forgiveness.

I thank Him for the gift of my family.

I thank Him for my church and my ministry.

These, this morning, are my 'Top Five" thanks to God.

Would you like to share share your own?

Friday, November 16, 2007

What Do I Do With These Thoughts?

Thoughts are powerful and controlling, sometimes seeming to come from a place where we have no authority. We cannot, at times, control them. Why is that? In this infinite universe, it seems that our biggest enemy, at times, is within the microcosm of our brain. Is it that we are not organized in our thinking, thus producing chaos? Is it that we need to learn more, or haven't been good enough students, thereby not able to answer the questions that our thoughts pose? Are we all, in some measure, mentally ill?

As I 'think' about this dilemma, this is what I come up with. There is a giant paradox in the world today. It is described in two portions of scripture, Genesis 3:5 and 1 Corinthians 8:2. This is what they show us:
Because of the fall of man, particularly the partaking of the forbidden fruit, man has known good and evil. Before that, he only knew good. Now, he knows the extremes in both. Now he plays with that knowledge, manipulates with it, makes rules, laws, etc. It seems he knows too much!
But then, even though we know much, we seem to continue to fail, because we know nothing as we ought to know it!
So how 'ought we' to know? For Adam and Eve, all they needed to know was that which God told them. He led them, guided them, cared for them, and blessed them. But as soon as they new good and evil, they were in competition with Him, for they felt as if they knew as He knew. Now they were afraid of Him. They wanted to perform to keep him happy. They knew there were consequences for evil, but were willing to take their chances with it. The problem is, they knew God-things without God-understanding. It was like fire in the hands of children. Man continually hurt himself with what he knew.
It is the same today with us. We know too much, yet we know nothing as we ought. Our real need is to learn to listen. We must strive for mastery, yes. But hearing God is what we must master. Nothing else. Just as it was in the garden, today He will guide us, empower us, gives us wisdom, and bless us beyond our imagination. But we have to pay attention to Him first. Give Him our primary consideration.

Well, Heaven is always speaking. There is always good news coming to us from God. If we take heed, we will know as we ought to know, and we will bring our thoughts in captivity.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Religious or Not

The word religion is from the medieval days, particularly the monastic period. It is from the Latin religare, which means 'to bind'. The word was instituted to define the monks that seemed to have such intense beliefs to which they were bound. The word became more widely used to describe people of faith in God(s).

I find it interesting that religion is an adherence to personal beliefs. Really, don't we all have that? Don't we all believe something? Aren't we ready to give our opinion on things at a moment's notice? Well, then, we are all religious. It is even more interesting to note that some of the most stringent and antagonistic belief systems are not faith or God centered at all, yet the faith based belief system is the one that is labeled 'religious'.

Where am I going with this? Not sure...but I am thinking about so many people that have refused that which God has for them because they were not religious people, or did not want to become such. Yet, they are very religious in the adherence to there own beliefs.

Well, I am not trying to prove a point, exactly. I am just remarking upon the way man reasons sometimes. We all need, even want, to become connected to God. All too often it is our religious beliefs that keep us from Him.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What Kind Of God Don't You Believe In?

I don't believe in god!
I hear those words spoken often on the college campus and elsewhere. It is not a bad thing to say. There are many folks that do not believe in God. There are plenty of valid reasons why one would not believe. I am never surprised at such a statement, and I actually look forward to chatting about it.

I am always interested to know what kind of God it is that they do not believe in. The answers and varied:

Perhaps it is a God who says He is loving, yet carelessly allows people to hurt each other.
Maybe it is a God who has condemned people for their actions, and sentenced them to hell.
Maybe it is a God who seems to play favorites.
One could say that he has known some believers, and if their life is what following God produces, he does not want any part of it.
A God who contradicts himself, thus having no validity.
A God who says He is all powerful and all knowing, yet does not solve the world's problems.

If your answers fall under any of the ones listed, that is a good thing! I don't believe in such a God either! Man has a tendency of taking an entity and redefining it his way. This has happened over and over with the subject of who God is. Masses of people have believed in an incorrectly defined God. The result of this can be that they never get to know God personally, because their presupposition of who He is filters their perception of who He really is.

So, yes, I agree. Do not believe in the wrong concept of who God is. Surely that can be a snare in your life. But do, I repeat, do believe in God. He is clearly defined in the Bible, despite what some have told you, or what your own meager attempts at critiquing Him has produced. He is here, and he has a life designed uniquely for you!

Galatians 4:8 and Matthew 6:33 are a couple of relevant scriptures. Do you have any to add?

Monday, November 12, 2007


I have spoken to people who do not have a solid grasp upon who they are. What I mean is, they are not sure of their identity. We all have names. Some of us change our names. My father changed his name when he started his career in radio. He felt that he needed a more 'catchy' name if he were to be a DJ.

Our parents give us our names, many times after much deliberation. We can also attribute our personality, or at least part of it, to our parents. So the boy gets a little older, and people remark that he acts just like his dad. Or the girl carries herself like her mom. But, is that who they are? The boy that is like his dad? The girl that reminds us of her mom? No, they have their own identity. The question is, how do they discover it? Do they determine who they are by how others perceive them? Will they shorten their identity to 'loser' or 'winner', depending upon how their life plays out? What is the key here?

The word identity, which is from the Latin identitas, refers to 'same'. I think we are looking to find out who we are like, when we look for identity. That is why we form a small group of friends. That is why we are interested in others that have the same interests as us. We find some identity in that. We were made to find sameness with others, and yet still be individual.

In Genesis 1:26 we read that God made man in His own image and likeness. I like to use the analogy of the glove here. Image could refer to an empty glove. It looks like a hand. When you see it, you know it is designed to be filled with a hand. But, it is lifeless without a hand to fill it. Likeness refers to the glove with a hand in it. It becomes filled with the hand. Now, the glove not only looks like a hand, but it acts like one. Its identity is the hand!

I think that is how it is with us. We were created in the image of God. So if anyone asks you what God looks like, tell them that they are looking at what God looks like, (minus the glasses, broken nose, acne, etc.). When we allow God to fill us, we become the likeness of God. We become His Hand, if you will. Now we have identity. God now gives us purpose. He directs us, utilizes us, and takes care of us much like we would our own hand.

But, we must be filled. We must invite Him in. Then we live, by faith, in our true identity. In fullness and in purpose!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Did God Show Up, Or Was He Already Here?

It is one of those days when everything seems to be difficult. And then, on top of that, you mess things up with a big mistake. So now the mood is get to work on solving the problem created by your mistake, all the while fending off the details that seem to be just a little out of sync!

Whew! Those types are days are really testing, aren't they? Everyone has them, and some of us seem to experience more of them than others. I think I have said, more than once, at the end of one of those days, 'God, what are you trying to teach me?'.

And then God shows up, and everything is fine again.

The end.

Hold it! Wait a minute! God shows up? How can an everywhere present God 'show up' spontaneously? He is there! Was there. Will be there. And not only was He there, but He was at work. Sometimes, as I look back, I can see that. Other times I am dumbfounded, (or just dumb).

Look at this verse: Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they will not flow over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. The fire will not destroy you.

Well now, I guess I can get through this little issues in the details of life, if God is going to be with me even in the most terrifying times!

So, today I think I will look for Him in each thing. Care to join me?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Prize is in Him

It's all about ownership in this life...or so it seems. He who has the most toys wins. Or he who has the highest paying job. Or the most successful children. Actually, anyone could fill in the blank there. The most, the best, etc.
Life is difficult with that kind of competition going on. It can become like a year round sports event, with no down time! And the competition is ferocious! It is almost animalistic, in the sense of survival of the fittest!
This would be a good place to quote stereotypical statements like: 'That isn't really what life is all about.' Or: ‘There is something better for you!' But the fact is, life IS all about ownership! It IS all about claiming that which is ours! And it IS all about having the best!
The difficulty comes when we search in the wrong places.
You see, it is like this. The best for each of us has already been set aside for us. And it is incredible! What God has set aside for man is way above anything he could ever ask or think! But, alas, man does not often find it! He goes without the best because he has presupposed the definition of what “the best” may be.
God loves man, created man, and knows man’s every need and want! And this same God has given great Blessing and purpose to man. And He has stored them in Himself! And that is where man must go to find them! In God! He must search inside of God to find the riches of His grace and Glory!
If man goes deep inside of his God, he will find more than he has ever wanted...more than he has dreamed! When God is at the center of life, and man’s focus is upon Him, he begins to relate to things with Divine perspective. He learns that God is in all things, and all things work together for good to those that are in His Love.
Then he will experience true ownership! When man draws close to his God, and deepens his relationship to Him, he will take possession of things that no one can take away from him!
Jeremiah 9:24; 31:34; Romans 8:28; Isaiah 26:3

Monday, November 5, 2007

Presents or Presence?

I have a great church. You should visit sometime. Just hit the GGWO link in the sidebar for times and directions.

This weekend some things were spoken there that had a profound effect on my soul. I love it when the Word of God does that! Don't you?

There are presents in life. These are the things that our minds tell us we deserve if we follow the directions. If we follow the steps, A to B, we will find favorable results. Yet we find it is not always true. Often, the steps are too great. They reveal too much about us. There are conditions that we cannot foresee. And thus, life is a struggle.

But, instead of presents, we can rest in His presence. God has called each and every one of us to Himself (Mark 8:34). He has created us for his pleasure. If my existence is to please him, and He equips me with everything needed to please Him, (Philippians 2:13), then I will be pleased in all things, for all things are of Him (2 Corinthians 5:18)!

I am not in control. Hebrews 11:6 tells me that it is only faith that pleases God. A to B is not faith. It is a program. Faith in God differs from faith in a system. God never fails. Systems are temporal and faulty. Faith in God is confidence in who He is and what He says. It is based on a spiritual apprehension, not statistics or collected knowledge.

So I look unto Him, Jesus, who authored and gave the perfect example of faith. As I look, I am ready to run this race called life. As I look away, I sense the loss of control, and I am apt to take charge. And then I may fall out of the race.

For me, there is so very much in these truths on which to ponder. I leave you to do the same.