Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Daddy Help!

My toddler son awakened me very early this morning with his call for daddy. It seems that something had scared him, something visible only in the imaginations of his little world.

Of course I went to him and brought him, safe and sound, to that place where everything is alright, that is, close to daddy.

We never grow out of the basic need for help in time of trouble. We are not self-sufficient creatures, or, at least should not be. We are created to need our Father. When we were young children, we needed our earthly father in times of need or distress. When we became older, our earthly father deferred to our Heavenly One, and our more substantial needs and fears were met by an infinitely more capable Father. He is a "very present" help in trouble! (Psalms 46:1)

I think of the times that I have had fears that are only seen through the imaginations of my own little world. They are the sum of the accumulated details of life. When I, often in the dark of night, consider them, they add up to calamity or distress. It is then that I can, and should, call upon my Father, just as young Micah called upon me this morning. He called me by the only name that carries great authority and comfort for him in trouble, daddy. For us, that name is God!

Call upon Him in your time of trouble today. He will run to you, and bring you to that place of all comfort. (2 Corinthians 1:3)


Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Knight, those are my exact words quite often. I really do call God my Daddy. Thank God for His amazing grace and mercy to give me the honor of calling Him my Daddy. A very present help in time of trouble indeed! Thanks for everything you do for Him, Lana

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Love the thoughts...
God bless your ministry!

Pst. Rick said...

Thanks Nikki! We are excited about another new semester!