Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Richard Dawkins Might Believe in the Tooth Fairy

Richard Dawkins, the latest and greatest voice for skepticism and atheism, has launched a campaign in which he has paid to have large signs placed on the sides of some 800 buses in Great Britain. The signs say, "There probably is no God, so stop worrying and enjoy your life".

Probably. I like that! Thank you, Mr. Dawkins. This is a good marketing campaign...for God. I can imagine hundreds, if not thousands of people viewing these signs, with the results being each of them having some thoughts about God. (I will get back to that thought.)

Mr. Dawkins is quoted to have said that he did not want to use the word 'probably', but that organizers wanted it because they did not want to be dogmatic like Christians are.

Hmmmm....skeptical about their skepticism, it seems.

Mr Dawkins said that the existence of God is about as likely as that of the tooth fairy.

So there is a chance that there is a Tooth Fairy! Profound!

Well, anyway, concerning probability, consider this. Say you were a healthy person who, one day began to have some chest discomfort. A friend might tell you that it is probably nothing. They might be right, but I think you would have it checked so you could know for sure. That is why I like this bus campaign. I think that when people read the sign, the word 'probably' will naturally cause them to question the statement.

And that is all it takes. Just a thought toward God opens the door for Him to reveal himself to a person who was previously closed to Him. Acts 26:18 speaks of opening the eyes of man, so that he may see the difference between darkness and light, and receive all that is for him.

There is much darkness in today's world. But, it cannot get so dark that light does not work! We want all people to see the Light of the World, and receive the new life of walking with God!

Oh, and, after much investigation (tonque in cheek), I am dogmatic that there is no tooth fairy! However, after one touch from God, I became absolutely dogmatic that God is with us!


Anonymous said...

Ya i have seen this on cnn and i thought the samething. Lee strobel and even c.s lewis were atheists but being skeptical will always lead to research which will lead to answers. A good example os that is anthony flew who after years of atheism recently confesed that there is a God.

That was a good post.

Pst. Rick said...

So true, Sam. It is that proud spirit in man that will give credit to anything except God. Yet, God is so faithful to prove Himself in all things.
I have often thought that most "atheists" are truly agnostics hiding behind the label.