Monday, January 26, 2009

Imaginations, The Framework of Thinking

The human has a framework to his thinking. I think you agree with me. Each one has a way of thinking, with a predisposition in temperament and context. Some think more analytically, others more subjectively. Some have a greater capacity for learning, and some are creative thinkers. I have seen people attempt to alter their framework of thinking and then struggle with self-image issues. What we discover is that we can change how we think, but our framework of thinking is a part of what makes us an individual.

How do I change how I think? I believe it is by appropriating truth. Our minds are created to find the absolute in a given dynamic. We do not cope well with imaginations that stray from the static of truth. Our minds tire easily if allowed to wander from truth, and if the process of attempting to re-align is interfered with, the thoughts can become unstable and imbalanced.

I must say here that I have no laboratory analyses or comprehensive studies to scientifically support my thoughts on this subject. These are thoughts that I have formulated through the years, in the learning process of discerning truth and applying it to life.

In the Bible, in 1 Chronicles 28:9, we see that God understands each of the frameworks of man's thinking. In other words, He knows how He made me, and He leads me into right thinking within that framework of thought. Thus, the analytical thinker can have an anointed thought life, and be a blessing to others with his type of thinking. Similarly, the creative mind becomes valuable when God is allowed to instruct it in the ways of thought. Each of us, in our God given constructs, can become extraordinary in our relationship to life and living, when we accept the truth of the Word of God, and humbly receive His instruction.

We do not have to change ourselves. God molds us into the treasure that we are. It is a wonderful thing.

So think boldly in your imagination, or your framework of thought. Open yourself to God's loving intruction. You will not be disappointed.

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