Sunday, September 13, 2009

VL Element #3 Is Engaging Fellowship

Fellowship could be defined as conversation among people that are associated with one another through a common union. Engaging fellowship takes it a step farther, into the realm of conversation with an attraction, or with the characteristics that draw another person into the fellowship.

Koinonia is the greek word that is translated as fellowship in the Bible. The meaning conveys fellowship that is intimate in that its participants have likeness of understanding and unity in purpose.

Element number 3 in our list is Engaging Fellowship. Like each of our elements, this one is vital to a healthy Christian walk. We, at Verticlink, understand and promote such fellowship often. Many of us have learned first hand the perils of being outside of fellowship, and the joy of joining in.

I love Psalm 119:63, which says:
I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.

A companion is one that united with, or closely associated with another.

Our relationships with one another are vital to our Spiritual growth. We need each, not in a familiar, carnal way, but in a caring, involved way. I have always said that there are no happy Lone Rangers in Christianity.

It takes some getting used to for some people to have a close, pure relationship with others. The type of relationship where there are no expectations, except for God to work. The type of relationships where the other person is the most important.

Join with us for engaging conversations that can change your life!

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