Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Five Elements of Verticalink Revisited

Relevant outreach, Scripture discovery, engaging fellowship, joyful worship, and dynamic discipleship are the key elements to which Verticalink Campus Ministries adheres.

Each of these represent a topic that worthy of discussion on its own, and I think each should be revisited from time to time.

The elements of an organization are those points that have been identified as the rudiments, or the foundational points of the workings of it. This is important to help keep a steady course as circumstances and people change.

In the Bible, we have many key elements of our faith. These are truths that are not subject to change, but are solid and dependable. We must have these foundational structures upon which to build solid, stable lives. Additionally, once we have identified them, we must rest upon them, and not waver away from them into destruction. See Matthew 7:24-27

Thus, we begin to, once again, take a close look at these five elements. From this, we hope to find hidden treasures that will refresh our thinking and increase our faith.

The first is relevant outreach. When we speak of relevancy, we are pointing toward God and Truth, and not toward the world system of philosophy and secularism. In other words, outreach is related to the absolutes of Biblical Truth, and not to the ever changing winds of modern thought. See Ephesians 4:14-15

Reaching out in evangelism is simply offering an opportunity to a person. It is an opportunity to receive the life that God has designed for the individual, and to link up with the God of the Universe. Knowing God is the greatest of all knowledge, and without it, the lesser practicums are seriously deficient. How can I know anything clearly if I do not yet know the One Who created all things?

In outreach we may debate on issues. We might reason over philosophies. We could even enter into long conversations about issues in society or history. Through all of this, however, we will strive to keep the relevance where it belongs, that being God and HIs care for desire for the person.

Whether we use a few words or long discourses, the end of the matter is the same. Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which is lost. If a person will transfer their trust to Him, and receive Him as their Saviour, meaningful life will begin for them, and that life will be everlasting!

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