Thursday, September 17, 2009

VL Element #4: Joyful Worship

Next in our list of VL Elements is Joyful Worship.

Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

I like to think of worship as 'ultimate focus' upon God. I focus upon Him and His leading in my life. I concentrate on His greatness. I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me in my thinking toward The Savior. I am drawn into prayer. The gift of salvation and the power of the resurrection are displayed clearly in my thoughts. This is worship!

The power of worship is revealed by its affects upon the worshipper. Peace is defined. Strength is renewed. Joy is abundant!

So, how do we 'perform' worship? I like to think of the 3 factors of worship.

1. Concentration. I give myself over to concentration on that which God is saying to me. He speaks to me through His Word. He also speaks to me in a still small voice. When there is preaching or teaching, He speaks to me in specifics. So, it is very important to listen.

2. Praise. Worship is not defined as praise, but praise is part of worship. When I praise God, I give thanks to Him and honor Him with my voice. I sing, making a joyful noise unto Him. I bless Him and magnify Him in the midst of my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Praise energizes man and blesses God.

3. Walk. Walking with God in obedience to His leading and guidance is worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth. As I work out my salvation, in learning and response, I bring Glory to Him, and thus I worship.

Joyful worship sets us apart from daily grind. It renews a right spirit in us. It takes the focus off of us and places it where it belongs, upon Him.

Come and worship with us!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

VL Element #3 Is Engaging Fellowship

Fellowship could be defined as conversation among people that are associated with one another through a common union. Engaging fellowship takes it a step farther, into the realm of conversation with an attraction, or with the characteristics that draw another person into the fellowship.

Koinonia is the greek word that is translated as fellowship in the Bible. The meaning conveys fellowship that is intimate in that its participants have likeness of understanding and unity in purpose.

Element number 3 in our list is Engaging Fellowship. Like each of our elements, this one is vital to a healthy Christian walk. We, at Verticlink, understand and promote such fellowship often. Many of us have learned first hand the perils of being outside of fellowship, and the joy of joining in.

I love Psalm 119:63, which says:
I am a companion of all them that fear thee, and of them that keep thy precepts.

A companion is one that united with, or closely associated with another.

Our relationships with one another are vital to our Spiritual growth. We need each, not in a familiar, carnal way, but in a caring, involved way. I have always said that there are no happy Lone Rangers in Christianity.

It takes some getting used to for some people to have a close, pure relationship with others. The type of relationship where there are no expectations, except for God to work. The type of relationships where the other person is the most important.

Join with us for engaging conversations that can change your life!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The 2nd Element - Scripture Discovery

They said to one another, "Didn't our hearts burn within us when He talked with us along the road, and He opened the scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32

There are not many things more astonishing than discovering the marvels of the Scriptures. There are 31173 verses in the Bible, and they make up the most wonderful garden of Grace, Mercy, and Love known to mankind. At any time, any paragraph in the Bible could come alive to us with rich and full meaning. There is no end to its impact. It continues to be fresh and new each day.

I can imagine the disciples talking about it, as they compared the passion that was stirred in their hearts from just one Bible Study with Jesus. There was probably very little sleep that evening for them. The Word's came alive to them, and energized them in the faith. They saw things they had never seen before about themselves and about God. Things correlated for them. Confusion was gone. Realization was thrilling. It was a remarkable thing.

I cannot begin to recall all the times that I have had similar experiences. I do know that the most recent time was today, however. Before that, it was last night. It all works together for a truly exceptional life.

Don't you agree? I think you do, if you have had a discovery in the Scriptures.

We can help others explore the Bible for discoveries. It is, in fact, what we do. It is what is done for us, as well, as we fellowship together with those that know the Word.

Our desire for others is that they come to know the calling that God has for them, and the riches that they have inherited. So we guide each other into the Word. Ephesians 1:17-18

Discover new things in the Scriptures today!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Five Elements of Verticalink Revisited

Relevant outreach, Scripture discovery, engaging fellowship, joyful worship, and dynamic discipleship are the key elements to which Verticalink Campus Ministries adheres.

Each of these represent a topic that worthy of discussion on its own, and I think each should be revisited from time to time.

The elements of an organization are those points that have been identified as the rudiments, or the foundational points of the workings of it. This is important to help keep a steady course as circumstances and people change.

In the Bible, we have many key elements of our faith. These are truths that are not subject to change, but are solid and dependable. We must have these foundational structures upon which to build solid, stable lives. Additionally, once we have identified them, we must rest upon them, and not waver away from them into destruction. See Matthew 7:24-27

Thus, we begin to, once again, take a close look at these five elements. From this, we hope to find hidden treasures that will refresh our thinking and increase our faith.

The first is relevant outreach. When we speak of relevancy, we are pointing toward God and Truth, and not toward the world system of philosophy and secularism. In other words, outreach is related to the absolutes of Biblical Truth, and not to the ever changing winds of modern thought. See Ephesians 4:14-15

Reaching out in evangelism is simply offering an opportunity to a person. It is an opportunity to receive the life that God has designed for the individual, and to link up with the God of the Universe. Knowing God is the greatest of all knowledge, and without it, the lesser practicums are seriously deficient. How can I know anything clearly if I do not yet know the One Who created all things?

In outreach we may debate on issues. We might reason over philosophies. We could even enter into long conversations about issues in society or history. Through all of this, however, we will strive to keep the relevance where it belongs, that being God and HIs care for desire for the person.

Whether we use a few words or long discourses, the end of the matter is the same. Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which is lost. If a person will transfer their trust to Him, and receive Him as their Saviour, meaningful life will begin for them, and that life will be everlasting!