Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Truth...Reflection Or Reality?

A person witnesses an event. His mind calculates the elements of the event, and forms a story, if you will. The story is not objective, because the person has viewed the happening through the grid of his own belief system. Thus, the narrative which comes from his mind is slanted, opinionated.
The person states his narrative with all the authority of a Philadelphia Attorney. He proclaims it as truth. It must be truth. He saw it with his own eyes!

There is a problem in this sequence of events. There were other witnesses. Others saw it and created narratives from their own frame of reference. I think you are catching on. Each narrative is different from the other. Truth, for each individual, was a reflection of an event processed in the workshop of his mind.

Reality, in this particular realm, becomes dynamic. It is ever changing, spinning out of control. Man is forced to make snap judgments based on his tiny understanding of things as a whole. He fails at this, and must form new 'truth' to bolster his supposition.

It has really become quite a mess, wouldn't you say?

It is hard to imagine, that with an existence such as we have, with the beauty in nature, and the incredible miracle of human life, that truth would be the random, reflective, and subjective gatherings of partial-knowing intellects.
In reality, truth has been here longer than creation. It was present when man wasn't. It was settled before the world was formed. The astounding thing is that we have this absolute, defining truth preserved for us in a book. It is a book that has stood up to and met the demands of its learned critics. It has survived preternaturally, despite claims that it is invalid. This Book, The Bible, was prepared by God, using a tool, man, to inscribe it, as an everlasting record of His thoughts.
And thus, we have truth. Objective, absolute truth. Truth which defines life as a whole and our lives individually. Security, confidence, peace, and joy are born from an introduction to this truth. Partake, and see for yourself, without the distraction of reflection.

More to come on The Book...
Psalms 12:6; 33:4

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