Thursday, October 25, 2007

This Ship Has A Captain

We are exhorted to live life to the fullest. NO PROBLEM! Life is so full that at times it seems we can't breath. And it isn't like we manufacture this schedule. It unfolds before us.

We wake up, get out of bed, drag a comb across our head.
We find our way downstairs and drink a cup,
and looking up, we notice we are late.

Sorry about the old song lyrics there, but it is true, isn't it? For the most part we take no thought of it. We just struggle forward. And then it hits us again. We are driven. Driven to succeed, to perform, to compete, to over achieve. It feels as if we are in a controlled state of losing it!

A sailing ship in a storm is driven by the wind. There is nothing the captain can do but try to get the sails down and wait it out. Who knows where he will find himself when it is over? But he must not waver. He must captain the ship, using the few basic principles that he has learned in his years at sea. If he were to quit, or re-invent the fundamentals, the results could be disastrous.

Life has tossed us around like that ship. But there are fundamentals. And there is a Captain. There is One that knows how to ride the swells, and how to judge the severity of the storm. We do not have that wisdom. He does.

So we ask. We do not waver. We look at the Captain, and trust in Him. The storm subsides, or at least it seems to. But maybe it is simply that we are trusting in the One that can steer this thing called life. And now, we walk calmly and confidently, learning wisdom and faith with each step.

I encourage you to leap into faith in the storms of life. If you are not sure how to do so, we can help.

James 1:5-5 Matthew 7:7-8

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