Friday, May 20, 2011

Ok, Coffee Break Is Over!

And what a coffee break it was. Six months, to be exact. Writer's block? Maybe. Lazy? Usually. Distracted? Most definitely. At any rate, what now? Do I blog about the things God has shown me in these months? Too much info, but let us suffice it to say that He has been teaching, and I have been straining to listen. I know that much of it will bleed over into the postings of the next weeks, and if you pay close attention, you'll catch on.

So, the first step is to re-promote this thing. It seems complicated, because I have had to drop my domain name forwarding for the time being. It just doesn't seem to fit into the missionary budget. The address is no longer, but, as you know, Pass the word, please. Tell all your friends, because Verticalink, as an organization, is in the midst of a rebirth of sorts. I am not completely sure what God has in mind, but as we share together, I am sure His thoughts will be made clear.

A good friend of mine recently remarked that people often meditate on that which they should simply consider, and consider things that require meditation. As I have meditated upon this consideration, I see that it is true on so many levels. Ultimately, man will only consider the
Word of God for direction and meaning for life, but will meditate on the philosophies and vanities if this world system, without any lasting answers for their issues.

We do the same, when we step away from faith living, and into our own controlled environment. The issues of life which seem overwhelming and foreboding demand our attention, as we design a defense against the projected outcomes. The care and leading of God in the midst of these things becomes little more than a consideration. I mean, after all, we ARE Christians, so we have to at least consider Him, (when we have a minute).

Oh, but to reverse the sequence, and watch the Wonder of God's Hand in our lives, as we meditate upon the Author and Finisher of our faith!

I have been having fun, and blessing, with these truths. I hope you will, to.

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