Saturday, May 21, 2011

Goal Oriented Or Glory Seeking?

Even as young people we are taught, early on, that we should have goals in life. The goal, the finish line, the award for completion are the things that motivate many of us. There is something inside of us that wants to 'get there', or to see something through.

Society has no shortage of potential goals, just waiting to be assumed by the right person. The belief is that, if one wishes to make their mark in society, they must chase a goal, seize it, and finish it.

Counterfeiting is defined as making an imitation of what is genuine with the intention to defraud. This is the art form of Satan. He lives to defraud, deceive, and distract, and he is proficient. Given this....

We have been given a built-in goal orientation. It is part of our makeup, which is why we find ourselves relating to goals so easily in our lives. For instance, do you have a do to list? Are you faithful to it? Even so, you keep using, even if it is a mental list. Goals.

Or faith gives us, as well, many potential goals. Because we were brought up in the devil's back yard, we are ready responders to the next leading of the Spirit toward a goal. Satan encourages us, as he paints a picture of the finish line for us to gaze upon, and we gaze. The Word of God instructs us to follow. So we get busy, following the goal that has been placed before us. We become capable, in our minds, of completing the goal, and the world system, disguised as light, cheers us on. Rah rah, chase the prize, you are well equipped, God is with you!

Yes, but are you with God? In our desire to do, we forget about being. That's right, just being. We are the light of the world. What does light do? It reveals things. When it is shined upon someone, it brings attention to that someone. When worthy, honorable attention is brought to someone, they are glorified. Why do we have spot lights? To glorify the performer. 

Ahh, but it is only a performer. Not the real deal. 

As the light of the world, our call is to shine the spot light on the real deal! To light up the main thing. And the main thing is God, and Jesus.

In John 17:4, Jesus spoke to the Father, and told Him that He glorified Him on earth by finishing the things he gave Him to do. He finished His goal, and it glorified who? God.

Well, we are not Jesus. We cannot be trusted to complete the goals that God gives us without shining the light upon ourselves. But, we can follow Jesus. He did it already. He knows how to get things done God's way. He will take us there.

And at the completion of the goal, at the finish line, we will shine our light upon Him, because all the Glory belongs to God, and none of it to us.

We are the light, when we are walking with Jesus, and this is how God is glorified on the earth today.

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