Monday, December 5, 2011

Involved In Mankind

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee."

This is an excerpt from John Donne (1572-1631), Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, Meditation XVII: Nunc Lento Sonitu Dicunt, Morieris.

Oh, to be so involved in Life and in living, that we are deeply occupied with mankind. Each one a unique creation, each one loved by his Creator. To look into the eyes of a stranger and see God's hand. To draw true Life out of and into the soul of a young person. To look beyond the walls, constructed so carefully and fearfully. To love our neighbor as ourself. 

Oh Lord, give us the enabling Grace to embrace to lives of others, for your sake.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

We Have Not Because We Ask Not

Have you ever thought that this may be true in our conversations with others? Our words are a valuable asset for us. They can, of course, be a liability, too. But, when we put our words together, with purpose, in conversational form with another person, great things can happen. All too often, though, nothing amazing happens, other than just another flat, uninteresting conversation.

Maybe our verbal interactions with others are flat because we don't ask questions. Questions are the fuel of an exchange between people. Without questions, the talk begins to unwind quickly.

As believers, we have a lot to say, don't you agree? Wouldn't you like your conversations to be memorable for all involved? With questions, we can keep it interesting. Its kind of like keeping a balloon in the air. It doesn't take much effort, but you have to stay with it.

It is the little questions, like:

"Wouldn't you agree?'
"What are your thoughts?"
"Do you find this interesting?"
"What is your take on this issue?"

Just some examples. There are as many queries as there are opportunities. We have been given the most important information on this earth, and we are responsible to impart it. An engaging dialogue with a person can be so much more effective than a mini-sermon, or even a threat of eternity in hell.

Don't you agree?

Just asking....

Thursday, December 1, 2011

On The Twelfth Day Of Budapest

It is our 12th day of living in Budapest! In this short time we have moved in to our nice little apartment, become somewhat used to public transportation, and have become competent with the mental math of thinking forints and not dollars. 
And today we have internet! We are no longer cut off from the outside world! 
So we restart our blog, keeping the Verticalink title. It is a good title, so I see no need to change it.

Much has changed for us. The air is cold, but very much like New England, and therefore nostalgically comfortable. Walking is now a way of life, and no more something that we should, and will some day, do more of. And stairs! So many stairs. Everywhere. Especially at the school, however. Our precious school building is set up vertically rather than horizontally. Four floors. No elevator. High ceilings. Long stair cases. I teach on the fourth floor. I think you get it.

Loving it here, in spite of the assorted adjustments. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Goal Oriented Or Glory Seeking?

Even as young people we are taught, early on, that we should have goals in life. The goal, the finish line, the award for completion are the things that motivate many of us. There is something inside of us that wants to 'get there', or to see something through.

Society has no shortage of potential goals, just waiting to be assumed by the right person. The belief is that, if one wishes to make their mark in society, they must chase a goal, seize it, and finish it.

Counterfeiting is defined as making an imitation of what is genuine with the intention to defraud. This is the art form of Satan. He lives to defraud, deceive, and distract, and he is proficient. Given this....

We have been given a built-in goal orientation. It is part of our makeup, which is why we find ourselves relating to goals so easily in our lives. For instance, do you have a do to list? Are you faithful to it? Even so, you keep using, even if it is a mental list. Goals.

Or faith gives us, as well, many potential goals. Because we were brought up in the devil's back yard, we are ready responders to the next leading of the Spirit toward a goal. Satan encourages us, as he paints a picture of the finish line for us to gaze upon, and we gaze. The Word of God instructs us to follow. So we get busy, following the goal that has been placed before us. We become capable, in our minds, of completing the goal, and the world system, disguised as light, cheers us on. Rah rah, chase the prize, you are well equipped, God is with you!

Yes, but are you with God? In our desire to do, we forget about being. That's right, just being. We are the light of the world. What does light do? It reveals things. When it is shined upon someone, it brings attention to that someone. When worthy, honorable attention is brought to someone, they are glorified. Why do we have spot lights? To glorify the performer. 

Ahh, but it is only a performer. Not the real deal. 

As the light of the world, our call is to shine the spot light on the real deal! To light up the main thing. And the main thing is God, and Jesus.

In John 17:4, Jesus spoke to the Father, and told Him that He glorified Him on earth by finishing the things he gave Him to do. He finished His goal, and it glorified who? God.

Well, we are not Jesus. We cannot be trusted to complete the goals that God gives us without shining the light upon ourselves. But, we can follow Jesus. He did it already. He knows how to get things done God's way. He will take us there.

And at the completion of the goal, at the finish line, we will shine our light upon Him, because all the Glory belongs to God, and none of it to us.

We are the light, when we are walking with Jesus, and this is how God is glorified on the earth today.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ok, Coffee Break Is Over!

And what a coffee break it was. Six months, to be exact. Writer's block? Maybe. Lazy? Usually. Distracted? Most definitely. At any rate, what now? Do I blog about the things God has shown me in these months? Too much info, but let us suffice it to say that He has been teaching, and I have been straining to listen. I know that much of it will bleed over into the postings of the next weeks, and if you pay close attention, you'll catch on.

So, the first step is to re-promote this thing. It seems complicated, because I have had to drop my domain name forwarding for the time being. It just doesn't seem to fit into the missionary budget. The address is no longer, but, as you know, Pass the word, please. Tell all your friends, because Verticalink, as an organization, is in the midst of a rebirth of sorts. I am not completely sure what God has in mind, but as we share together, I am sure His thoughts will be made clear.

A good friend of mine recently remarked that people often meditate on that which they should simply consider, and consider things that require meditation. As I have meditated upon this consideration, I see that it is true on so many levels. Ultimately, man will only consider the
Word of God for direction and meaning for life, but will meditate on the philosophies and vanities if this world system, without any lasting answers for their issues.

We do the same, when we step away from faith living, and into our own controlled environment. The issues of life which seem overwhelming and foreboding demand our attention, as we design a defense against the projected outcomes. The care and leading of God in the midst of these things becomes little more than a consideration. I mean, after all, we ARE Christians, so we have to at least consider Him, (when we have a minute).

Oh, but to reverse the sequence, and watch the Wonder of God's Hand in our lives, as we meditate upon the Author and Finisher of our faith!

I have been having fun, and blessing, with these truths. I hope you will, to.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving...What, Lord, Should I Be Thankful For?

It is late on Thanksgiving evening, and friends and family have all gone home. We are here reflecting upon which direction my thanks would go tonight. Of course, I am grateful for a wonderful family, all of whom are following God. I am thankful for the friends in my life. The friends that are around me currently, as well as the innumerable friendships I have made over the years. I am grateful to God for the unwavering love for me and the relentless pursuit of my soul throughout my life.

There is the call of God to be thankful for, and I am. His Grace for every situation is my sustaining force. Thank You, God, for that. The Holy Spirit's guidance and anointing is necessary for life. Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith, keeps me on knees of gratitude.

With all of this, I still do not think I have touched upon the greatest things that God Life in my have produced. I have pondered, and then realized.

The greatest thing I have is the Grace to be the Light of the world. To effect the lives of the lost in a positive way, to draw them to Christ, and then to walk with them through the muck and the mire of learning to grow and Christ….these are the precious things. God is showing me that it is one thing to thank Him for all that He is doing for me, but that I should not make that my world. All things are for my sake, so that I can be all things to all men. This is the thing that I am made for. To be a gentle, caring, long suffering friend to people that know nothing of this.

I love my brothers and sisters in the Lord. You are all precious to me. But our relationship is sealed. Forever. May I never let my relationships with body members rise above my relationship to 'others'. What I mean is, I will cultivate my church family relationships, and my biological family relationships, to grow them, along with me, into poured out ones for the lost.

There is so much to say on this topic. It could be a series of messages. But, for me today, Lord give me the ability to be loyal to the lost!! Please God! Make my loyalty be to the Great Commission. Give me the Grace to bring my friends and family along in this. May I be reproved, oh God, when I am off centered in my relationship to the lost or the undiscipled. Help me to speak words in season to those around me, and thereby fulfilling my role as a friend in the Body.

Oh God, thank You for making my life, not for me, but for others.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Does My Faith Withstand the Trials of My Life?

by Matthew May

Many times we separate the details of our every day life from our belief system. It becomes so easy to find a solution on my own for the simple little needs of life, what should I eat right now, how can I finish this project at work, how can I learn this information before my exam, and so on. Then the giant storm comes that shakes my ability to solve my problem on my own. I am forced to turn to my belief system (my faith) for a solution outside of myself.

For some, perhaps there isn't much substance to my faith that really applies practically to my life. A "higher power" may sound nice, but it is lacking the only characteristic that I need to make it through my storm, a personal touch, a relationship, a comfort. I have chosen, however, to make my belief system more comfortable. I am free from responsibility to something or someone other than myself. I can easily say that God is not real, it makes life much more independent, fun, and comfortable. That is until my comfort is taken away by a massive storm, which requires something more than I can give. Suddenly, my belief system and it's ideals are far removed from me as I grasp desperately for something that really applies to my life and ALL of it's problems.

I believe this is what David the Psalmist was referring to in Psalm 139:23,24 - "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." David said to "try me," or prove me with some test. Immediately we think of being perfect before God, or not failing in the test, but I don't believe that this was David's point. The point is this, that when God tests us, the trial proves to us how much we need God. The storm reveals the "wicked way" that is in each one of us and how desperately we need God to lead us "in the way everlasting." Trials aren't a twisted display of works, but a time for revelation of our need for the grace and companionship of God. When God is at the center of my belief system, my relationship with Him grows in the measure that I reach out beyond myself to the one who practically meets my needs.

Matt has been part of the Verticalink family for several years. He and his wife, Emily, faithfully led the VL team at Johns Hopkins University, entering into countless conversations around the Truth of the Word of God.
The Mays now reside in Berlin, Germany, where they are doing missions work.