Thursday, October 21, 2010

Liberty That Silences Foolishness

Proverbs 26:11 says, rather graphically, that a person who returns to his bondage after receiving liberty is like a dog that returns to his own vomit. My reaction to either example is to drive the subject away from its object! Shoo! Get away from that!

Yet there is foolishness found in the heart of man. He has a propensity toward the very thing that separates him from God. (Pr. 19:3)

We have, as Christians, a new-found liberty! We did not earn it. It is a gift from our God, through our Savior. Like every gift that comes from Above, our liberty has purpose. Yes, it frees us from the bondage of sin and death (Ro. 8:2). But the continuing purpose inside the Plan of God is even greater! We have the ability to silence the ignorance we see each day. Ignorance that is proliferated by the forces of evil is this world system. The kosmos is made up of an organized system, a confederated host, as described in Ephesians 6:12. The mission of this army is to divide man from God. Their methods are varied, but they are very effective at stirring up foolishness in society.

How do we come against such a thing? See 1 Pe 2:15. With liberty! The liberty to move forward in righteousness. To stand fast in the liberty that has set us free. In so doing, we create a great contrast. Blurriness is cleared up. Gray areas are colored in distinguishing shades and lines. The Goodness of God is boldly manifested in the face of question.

And man is reconciled with his God.

Stand in liberty!

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