Thursday, July 8, 2010

VLers, What Are We About?

There are 13.3 million college students in the US alone. In this country, there are 4600+ colleges. We know that the campus has a foundation spiritually that is not based on God. We know that there is a system involved, and that system has an agenda. We also know that pursuing an education is not a bad thing. We are grateful that there is the freedom to do so.

If the census is correct, there should be nearly 4 million evangelical Christians on our 4600 campus'. This statistic shows us two very important factors of our work at VL.

First, there are 4 million evangelical believers on the campus today. These precious saints are there, in most cases, because they feel that God has led them there. They are Christians who are, for the most part, in a hostile environment regarding their faith. We can help with that. We can provide support with fellowship, prayer, outreach, and worship. And we can supply a flow of doctrinal teaching that stands in the face of whatever philosophy they find themselves confronted with.

Second, if there are 4 million believers, then there are 9 million that need the Lord. The VL worker is involved in missions work. The campus is a mission field. In fact, if you remember, the word 'campus' means 'field' in the latin. With this in mind, we view our work as if we were missionaries on the field. We count the task before us in spreading the Gospel on campus as no less important at the University as it is in any country or region on earth. The College campus is an environment unto itself, and thus the people living there are a people group which needs to be reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

In the coming several weeks, our blog entries will be instructional for the VL staff and workers. In this summer time, we should busy ourselves with our home churches, sharpening our focus on doctrine and evangelism. This is a preparatory time for us to ready ourselves for the fall. Take full use of this time. Come to Puerto Rico for on-hand training if you can. Otherwise, stay connected to us here through the website.

Our call is a great one! Let's join together in it.


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