Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tuning In On Depression (In Brief)

We are not designed to be problem solvers. Sorry about that.

We were not equipped to handle every situation that confronts us. Nope, we were not.

We do not have heroic qualities. Not on our own.

We were made to please God. With faith producing the action of the verb.

We were made to love unconditionally. No mind games or manipulations, just love.

We were created to live for others. Self is dethroned, and the other person is exalted.

I have heard it said that 1 in 7 college students suffer from clinical depression. Frankly, I am surprised that it isn't a higher percentage. College can be all about solving problems, or trying to learn to cope. Many attend college in the hope of become a hero in their field, at least in their own eyes. Pleasing God is not part of the curriculum. Love is, for the most part, distorted. And self is most certainly King.

This stacks up to a formula for depression. When I force myself into a role that I was not designed for, my mind will suffer the consequences. If I don't numb it out somehow, it will crash, and depression occurs.

Depression is hard to cure clinically, but much easier to treat with right thinking. God teaches us how to think. Healthy thinking produces healthy, happy, and successful living.

We were made for it!

Psalms 42:5; Philippians 1:6

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