Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Verticalink Element #2: Scripture Discovery

Not enough can be said to adequately convey the part that the written Word of God has in the life of man. One could, and very well may, spend a lifetime growing in the discovery of the depths of the Holy Scriptures. The psalmist said much about it, in fact the longest of the Psalms, number 119, is devoted entirely to the importance of the Word.  Jesus said that man does not live only from the nutrients in the food he eats, but it is God's Word that truly sustains him. (Mt 4:4) 

We believe that the most exciting and joyful experiences on earth is discovering the riches of God's letter to us. Yet, finding the meaning of the scriptures requires guidance, which God supplies through His Holy Spirit. The Spirit speaks directly to man, and He also anoints men to teach men. Bible study must become a way of life. Church attendance is a vital part of living on this earth. Taking every opportunity to discover God's Word will pay great dividends in blessing and wisdom. 

The Bible is the full thought of God, and it is new and living. Join us for Bible studies. You just may find yourself hungering more and more for the scriptures!

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